Essential Daycare Checklist
Dropping your little one off at daycare can be overwhelming, especially for your first time. Be sure to ask your daycare what they'll need in the daycare bag and what will be stored in the cubby. Almost always they'll want everything labeled. Be sure to download our Essential Daycare Checklist for a good list to draw from when preparing for daycare and order some of our waterproof seal-n-stick labels for bottles and other plastics and our clothing labels for bibs, blankets and clothes.
Here's what we suggest:
Daily Items:
- baby bottles
- pacifier(s)
- extra bib(s)
- burp rag
- 2-3 sets of extra clothes (onesie/shirt, socks, mits, pants)
- sippy cup
- snack(s)
- baby food/cereal
- plate + utensils
- blanket for naptime
- stuffed animal for naptime
Cubbie Items:
- diapers
- baby wipes
- crib sheet/bedding
- sunscreen
- chapstick/Vaseline
- diaper rash ointment
- outdoor shoes/boots, hats, mittens for snow season
- family photo